and my ability to handle myself among women.
After the last of the guests had left Mrs. Scarcliff told me that I had passed my last test and that she would accept me as I wanted to be and that I could come and go dressed as I pleased. I felt that I was put upon for not telling me that I was being tested but felt that since I had weathered all tests, I should be glad. I did not find it hard to forgive her. We talked long into the night.
It has now been six months since I came to Mrs. Scarcliff's home to stay. We have had many talks and I know she feels much more open to persons like me. She readily admits that since she has come to understand the transvestite she feels that she has been missing something the many years before she came to know me. I do not know if she has made any record of our talks and of my feelings that I have expressed to her without stint but I'll bet that she has a com- plete report for someone to present to some important meeting on the transvestite. I'd sure like to be there and see the expressions on the faces of those who hear of these experiences.
Oh, yes before I close this, I must tell you about last Saturday. Mrs. Scarcliff told me that she wanted me to go shopping with her. I asked her how I could help her and she told me that she wanted me to wear my brown suit and blouse as we were going to the fin- est store in town. I really felt like a million for again I had taken extra care in my preparation and dressing. We bought three dresses for Mrs. Scarcliff and she consulted me on each one as if I were the complete authority. I asked her why she depended upon my feelings so much in her selection of clothes. She replied, "I see that I am going to have to over- hall my wardrobe and modernize it to keep up with you. You have such good taste and so many pretty things that you have awakened an interest in being feminine that I have nearly lost since my husband pas- sed away". Now that was a twist that I certainly ap- preciated.